Why would I go to see a Shamanic Practitioner?

Have you ever asked yourself: “Why would I go to see a Shamanic Practitioner?” That’s a good question. In our western culture most people don’t know any shamans, or if they do they are westerners who have learned an ancient tradition and now practice it.

Well, that’s me too. I am not an indigenous healer, I do not live nor, have I ever lived in the Andes of Peru or the Amazonian Rain Forest. But I do have an innate gift, for seeing and understanding what is happening in the energy that surrounds us, or what we call the soul.

The truth is, we all have the ability to feel, sense and speak to the forces that live in spirit with us.

Have you ever thought of your mother, and just then she called? Or were walking down the street and had a sense to turn the corner, then ran into an old friend? Or that pit in the stomach feeling about not going on a date? Taking that job? Going on a trip? That is your spirit speaking to you.

When we lived tribally in communion with nature and the forces, we were more connected to this ability of feeling or sensing what was happening around us. We often lived in community, helping each other get over grief, fears and traumas. Most communities had a medicine man or healer or both. Those were the shamans.

The shaman would be called upon to facilitate when a baby entered the community to bless the baby and call upon its benevolent healing allies. The shaman would be there when the hunters came back with experiences extreme danger, to return all lost soul parts to those injured or affected.

And so, it is today, that we walk around with wounds or joys that hardly get acknowledged because of the fast-paced life we live in.

What does a Shamanic Practitioner do?

My job as a modern-day Shaman, or Shamanic Practitioner, is to reconnect you with your own very personal helping spirits. They are waiting to be called into action. They know you and love you and protect you. They have great healing messages for you. They are your ancestors, once, twice or seven times removed. They are the Saint that your grandmother prayed to, or the Aunt you were named after. They see you and want to help you.

Through years of study and practice, I evoke these spirit helpers for you. I can mediate on your behalf to introduce you and re-introduce you to them.  Most people know who their helpers are, they were your imaginary friends when you were little, or your grandfather who played with you. It is the force you felt, when you nearly had a bad accident or almost drowned.

Why or when should you see a Shamanic Practitioner?

Perhaps, you are ready to let go of a behavior pattern that no longer serves you, like being in unhealthy relationships. You may be ready to heal an old wound of abuse or abandonment. You may be wanting a new job, or career or to move to a new place. You may be ill or have been ill. If you’ve experienced loss and can’t quite recover. All of these are reasons to seek the help of your spirit helpers and I can help you do that.

There are other healing practices that can happen in a Shamanic Healing Session, like Soul Retrieval, Clearing or Ancestral Healing. More on that later.

Learn more about Shamanic Healing here